Infant & Wobbler
Full Time$2725$2126
3 Days$2326$1860
2 Days  $1912$1550

Deposit & Registration is $850

($250 deposit & $600 non refundable registration)

Your registration fee is non refundable and helps cover the costs of setting up your account, needs & service meeting, and the initial enrollment of your child.

Annual Earth Quake Kit fee $35

Earthquake kits will be replaced yearly. You will be billed upon enrollment and then every September of each school year. If your child requires a certain type of formula due to allergies, please provide an extra supply for his/her earthquake kit. If your child uses a pacifier, certain type of cup or bottle and/or a lovey, please bring an extra to add to his/her earthquake kit.

Snack fees

Once children begin eating solid foods parents have an option of bringing all food from home at no extra cost or participating in our snack program.  (Examples: Infant food pouches, teething biscuits, fresh fruit, cheese, crackers, yogurt, bagels with cream cheese, quesadillas, etc.) If your child has any dietary restrictions we are happy to make those accommodations as part of our snack program for an additional fee. There is also a Milk ONLY snack program option for any families that wish to bring their own snacks from home, but would like the option of TJB provided milk. All monthly snack fees are listed below.

$65 Infants/Wobblers

$75 Toddlers

$25 Dietary accommodation fee

$25 Milk ONLY fee

Late Pick Up Fee/Policy

Additional Fees